15 Best Weight Loss Exercise For Men

Best Weight Loss Exercises For Men: Since dieting and having a proper meal plan is very essential in losing weight, exercise also has a very important role to play.

As such, there are no hard and fast rules regarding this; however, it does pay to know the kind of exercises that can help men lose weight better.

All these exercises not only help to loose calories but also help to tone muscles, repair damaged cells and in general strengthen the body.

These 15 types of exercise can help you whether you are a beginner who is just beginning his actual weight loss program or an intermediate level individual who needs to lose weight but is stuck at a certain point where he cannot reduce any further.

Best Weight Loss Exercises For Men

Best Weight Loss Exercises For Men

1. High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

Best Weight Loss Exercises For Men

High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is a powerful workout that involves performing some exercises at full capacity at one go, taking short breaks, then repeating the same exercises with the same vigor at another time.

It has been credited for bringing out higher calorie burn results within a shorter period of time than the normal cardio exercises. And like any other effective cardio exercise, HIIT has the added bonus of raising your resting metabolic rate, allowing your body to burn calories even once you’re done exercising.

How It Works:

The above outlined HIIT can be formulated with any form of exercise such as running, cycling, or body exercising.

For instance, you may run for 30 sec, then walk for 1 min and repeat the whole process for approx 20-30 minutes. The main challenge is to give your maximum effort during the high-intensity phase and rest during the low-intensity segments.

  • Helps one loose calories within a short span of time.
  • Stimulates metabolic rate for hours after you have had this exercise.
  • Enhances cardiovascular health.
  • Aerobic in nature and also helps to gain muscle strength as well as stamina.

Read More: 15 best weight loss exercise equipment

2. Weightlifting

Best Weight Loss Exercises For Men

Hoping on weightlifting many people make one serious mistake of thinking that only their muscles will grow, but they fail to realize that it is also a helpful way to shed some pounds.

That means the more muscles you have, the more calories you burn and weight lifting does this by making muscles bigger.

The truth is that the more muscles one has the more calorie he or she will burn even while sleeping. Single joint exercises are also very effective especially compound movements such as pulling of weights in deadlifts, lifting of weights in squats and pressing weights in bench presses.

How It Works:

Concentration should be on the volume part and the title of this routine suggests that a person should choose Best Weight Loss Exercises For Men that is heavy for him/her and do it with correct form.

If at all possible get compound movements that recruit the largest muscles in your body. The initial work load is 3-4 series of 8-12 repetitions for each exercise with the additional work load approaching the muscular challenge.

  • Builds muscle mass hence leads to increase in the calories used.
  • Strengthens bones and joints.
  • It helps one to become more agile and stronger while exercising.
  • Aids in the process of fat burning and supports the preservation of the result for a long time.

Read More: 15 Best Weight Loss Exercise Routine

3. Running

Exercise is one of the simplest and most effective forms of weight loss and running is one of the best exercises out there.

It is a vigorous cardio type of exercise that one can engage in to help him/her lose a great deal of calories. To an extent, the intensity can be regulated depending on the capacity of the individual in regard to the levels of fitness.

How It Works:

Begin with stretches and then go for a jog or continuous running and periods of intense running and followed by slow pace running.

It is best to be as regular as possible meaning you should set your heart to running at least three to four times a week. In case it is impossible to run outside then a treadmill is the next best thing.

  • In the same session use many calories than the other forms of exercise.
  • Improves cardiovascular health.
  • Strengthens the lower body.
  • It can also be performed almost anywhere and it requires only basic pieces of equipment.

Read More: 15 Best Weight Loss Exercise Bike

4. Swimming

It is non impacts exercise that involves the entire body in the swimming pool thus is good workout for men in their middle and elder ages.

The water also provides some amount of resistance that help in the development of muscles and the ceaseless motions help in shedding off calories..

There is also nothing like swimming in hot weather and thus this gives someone the morale to continue exercising throughout the hot seasons.

How It Works:

One can try to swim at different styles like the freestyle, back and breast strokes in order to exercise different muscle mass.

Get at least 30 minutes of continuous swimming; as one progresses with swimming exercise routine, they should consider extending the time set aside for this exercise. Best Weight Loss Exercises For Men

  • Offers a moderate form of exercising that does not exert a lot of pressure on exercises.
  • Exercises major muscles of the body.
  • Generally it improves the over all condition of the circulatory system and the lungs.
  • Provides another mean of exercising and coming up with ways of easing stress.

Read More: 15 Best Weight Loss Exercise At Gym

5. Jump Rope

Skipping by no means is child’s play; this is a genuine aerobic exercise that can go a long way in helping shed some weight.

Effectively it exercises the muscle and heart therefore increasing the rate of burning fatty muscles, scores high on coordination.

But it also is compact and can be easily stored and does not take up much space so it is good for exercising at home and while traveling.

How It Works:

The first exercise should be a simple jump and the main emphasis should be made on the maintenance of the pace.

After some time you can vary the routine and perform doubles or crisscross in order to add an extra challenge. The above is aimed at achieving sequences of jumping for 1-2 minutes and break durations.

  • Burns a high degree of calories within a short span of time.
  • Improves coordination and agility.
  • Muscular: Good for the legs, and exercised help to build core muscles.
  • Transportable and involves little aparatuses.

6. Rowing

One of the other great full body exercises and exercise that is a combination of cardiovascular and strength exercises is rowing.

It trains almost all the body muscles especially the legs, back, arms, and the abdominal muscles making it a good trainer for weight loss programs.

Also the constant stroke to stroke movement also helps in developing the stamina and heart conditions of the person.

How It Works:

Perform the ergometer rowing or better still row on water if the facility is available. First you warm up, then you do continuous or some form of interval training.

Pay close attention to how you perform the exercises to give your body the intended work out and do not hurt yourself in the process. Ideally, each session should not be less than 20-30 minutes.

  • Recruits muscles in a manner that two or more muscles are being utilized at a given time.
  • Loosens weight from the body and ads strength.
  • Controls blood pressure and, thus, enhances heart health and stamina.
  • Moderate – this is because activities such as exercising increase chances of developing joint disorders.

7. Cycling

Riding an exercise bicycle either the one which is stationary or the one that you can ride outside is an excellent way to lose some calories and consequently lose some pounds.

This is Best Weight Loss Exercises For Men a non-contact program and it will come in handy for men who have mobility problems due to their joints, or men who have decided to get into cardio forms of exercising but aren’t ready for an intense workout yet. Cycling also tones the lower body muscles as well as enhancing the cardiovascular system of the human body.

How It Works:

It is possible to ride an exercising bicycle in the gym or it is possible to pedal in an open area too. Beginners should begin with a slow speed, and gradually a build up on the speed and the duration taken for each ride. You can add elements such as hill climbs or interval training if you are looking for more of a workout.

  • Helps in shedding a few calories especially when one takes a rigorous ride.
  • Improved on building the strength of the legs and lower extremity.
  • It is a gentle workout making it ideal for any persons regardless of how regularly they engage in physical activities.
  • It can be social if people do it to groups; it can also be individual if one does it alone.

8. Boxing

It is also important to know that boxing not only as excellent stress-reducing activity but also one of the most efficient ways to burn calories.

It is characterized by fast and energetic actions that help bring about coordination, speed as well as stamina. It seeks to involve a fusion of punches, footworks and strength exercises and therefore is a perfect workout program for losing weight.

How It Works:

You can go to boxing gym and attend boxing class or you can even install punching bag in your house. Different punches or strikes consist of jabs, crosses,

hooks and there are also the feet movements as well as defensive techniques. Punch and manoeuvre with short intense sessions of punches followed by basic breaks in between.

  • Helps in weight loss as it also aids in building up the muscles, their strength and endurance.
  • Improves coordination and reflexes.
  • Enhances cardiovascular health.
  • Enables one to have fun even when he/she is working out.

9. Burpees

Cycling is a complex movement of all the muscle groups with complex elements of cardio, muscles, and endurance.

They target various body muscles such as the pectoral muscles, the arms, the thighs, the abdomen and the back. Burpees are also very effective when it comes to fat burning as the exercises are very intensive.

How It Works:

Beginning in a standing position, descend into a squat, reverse into a plank, do a push up, return to the squat position and jump.

Perform this pattern for as many sequences as you are capable for; ideally the goal should be 10-15 burpees separated by short breaks.


  • Helps you loose a lot of calories within a short span of time.
  • These exercises cause several muscles at the same time to contract.
  • Improves cardio vascular health and endurances.
  • They can be conducted any time, at any place and does not require any equipment.

10. Kettlebell Swings

Swinging Ketllebell is really an interesting dynamic exercise that was involved, it involves the lower abdomen, hips and the Glutes with an extra hit off cardio.

The movements used enable the development of the power, strength and thus making it ideal for use in weight loss. Kettlebell swings also bring up the heart rate, so you will begin to burn calories in a fast rate.

How It Works:

Assuming warrior position begin with a regular, but lightweight kettlebell in your right hand. The movement process starts from the hingeing of the hips and the swinging of the kettlebell around between the legs, then the standing and pulling of the kettlebell to the shoulder’s level.

Contrary to other exercises, pay more attention to your poses, be sure to make sure that your back muscles are straight. Swings should be repeated 3-4 times through and each time 15-20 swings should be made.

  • Produces the beneficial effect of burning calories whilst at the same time enhancing the muscle mass strength and power.
  • Those seven movements work the abdominal muscles, the muscles around the core and lower body parts.
  • Improves cardiovascular fitness.
  • May be done with low levels of tunings in equipment.

11. Mountain Climbers

Mountain climbers is an intense workout for the entire body, concentrating on the belly muscles and the leg and upper body muscles.

They resemble climbing a hill, thus make one exercise the heart as well as the strength training exercise. This is a perfect company for any individual interested in losing some calories as well as enhance his/her flexibility, speed, coordination and stamina.

How It Works:

From a plank position, quickly switch and slide the legs towards the chest in a running like form. The core muscles have to be squeezed and the body should be aligned from head to toe.

Ideally, try for 3-4 sets of 30-60 sec, making sure you perform short rest between the sets.

  • Helps in losing calories and enhances the ability of the heart.
  • Exercises that strengthen the ab muscles and those of the legs and upper body are best with the machine.
  • Enhances agility and coordination.
  • Other types of exercises that can be done without any equipment include;

12. Battle Ropes

Battle ropes are an excellent addition to any fitness enthusiast’s exercising equipment as they give an excellent full body exercise.

These will exercise the arms, shoulders, abdomen, and thighs, at the same time they make for a good cardio exercise.

The swinging movement of the ropes also raises the heart rate and thereby improves the speed at which calories are burned making it ideal for the purpose of weight loss.

How It Works:

Take a battle rope in each of your hands then flip them on the ground or make waves repeatedly. Other ones that are also possible include the side-to-side slams or rope circles.

Your training should combine short bursts of activity to about 20-30 seconds with short breaks in between.

  • Comsumes caloric deposits and at the same puts on muscle.
  • Incorporates nearly all the muscles in the body especially those in the upper part of the body.
  • Enhance the ability of the cardiovascular system and the stamina levels of a body.
  • It is a fun and a different way of exercising and one can actually get a good work out.

13. Stair Climbing

Indeed, stair climbing can be regarded as one of the most effective forms of exercising for losing calories as well as strengthening the muscles of the lower half of the body.

This is one of the very effective workouts; you may use the stair machine in the gym or look for stairs in your neighborhood; this part of the workout focuses on the glutes, quads, hamstrings, and calves. Best Weight Loss Exercises For Men

How It Works:

Beginning with a small warm up and then proceeding with a systematic rate of climbing. There is always an option to make the workout more intense by eliminating any of the steps or wearing a weighted vest. Try to climb stairs for about 20-30 minutes at a go, or you can also include climbing stairs in your HIIT training.

  • Is beneficial in burning a great quantity of calories.
  • Strengthens the lower body.
  • Improves cardiovascular fitness.
  • Helps in knowing that some are that can be executed with less many equipments.

14. Push-Ups

As with all the push-ups it is a calisthenic type exercise that targets the chest, shoulder, triceps as well as the core muscles.

As much as they may not help you to lose as many calories as some of the cardio exercises might, push-ups are a good way of building upper body strength and developing muscles which in turn helps you to burn more calories.

How It Works:

All you have to do initially is get into the plank position with your hands placed a little more than shoulder width apart.

Bend at the waist and push your hips backward as far as you can in one motion; after letting your chest come close to touching the ground during the movement, slowly contract your abdominal muscles and pull yourself up to the original position.

They should consist of 3-4 sets of 15-20 repetitions each; the complexity can be increased by changing the hands’ position or wearing a vest with weights.

  • Tones up the muscles of the upper part of the body and the abdominal area.
  • It can be performed at anytime regardless of the place and does not require any devices and instruments to do so.
  • Improves the body muscle mass and the metabolism rates as well.
  • It’s flexible for modification in order to suit the fitness levels of the participants.

15. Walking

Although walking can be considered as one of the less complex activities, it is one of the best exercises that can help one in shedding off extra weight if accompanied by appropriate diet.

That does not require high impact physical activity, hence it is suitable for people of low to medium fitness level and can be easily practiced.

Jogging helps burn calories and enhance the heart health but at the same time puts pressure on our joints, which walking at a fast pace does not.

How It Works:

He said people should try to walk for at least 30 minutes on a daily basic at a pace that gets the heart rate up. To apply high intensity,

one can choose to walk on the inclined areas, or occasionally sprint for some few seconds. It is necessary to make walking routine, so try to walk at work during a lunch break, in the evening, etc.

  • Increases metabolic rate, reduces overall fat and enhance heart health.
  • Sustained; does not put much stress in the joints.
  • C Handy in so far as it can be done at anytime and any place.
  • It can be used to decrease stress and improve ones mood.

Final Thoughts:

However, when it comes to losing weight, the best form of exercise, which is the one that produces positive results is the exercise that an individual enjoys doing and can do without failure.

Energy-system development is another advantage of exercise variety; to avoid getting bored with your exercise schedule and to force work different muscles, you need to devise a way to make your efforts varied.

Do not forget consuming food also is vital in weight loss even as exercise is key to the process. This implies that in order to obtain the best results, one should begin a physical exercise regime and also take proper meals at the right time.

If you are a fan of vigorous activities including HIIT, burpees and others including walking and swimming, these workouts can assist you to attain your lean body goals. Follow the signs and symptoms, be faithful to your plan ,and enjoy the small achievements in the process.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1. It is also important to know how often you should exercise if you want to shed some weight;

For weight loss it is suggested to do at least 150 minutes of moderate or 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity per week in combination with two or more days of muscle-strengthening activity. These can easily be divided to 30 minutes of practice, five times a week.

2. Lose weight by exercise : is it possible?

Consequently, although exercise is a powerful tool in the weight loss process it is not the sole means of achieving this goal. Besides, another principle is required – the balance of the diet that would help the organism to consume less energy than it produces. As for calories the key principle is clear; exercises help burn them and build muscle and diet provides results and prevents the regaining of the lost weight.

3. Which is the recommended exercise for the beginners to melt the flab?

For the beginners, walking is the best exercise equipment to start with. It is a non-strenuous exercise, which can be easily integrated into people’s early morning or late evening schedules and calories-burning. Once you raise your fitness level you can incorporate in the exercises more intensive exercises such as running, cycling or HIIT exercise.

4. As much as people would like to know, how soon can one expect to see the impact of weight loss exercises?

As it normally is the case with all types of exercises, results may differ from person to person due to your background, eating habits and regimen. In general, the changes occurring with exercise and proper nutrition can be observed at a time it takes to be four to six weeks. When it comes down to it a slow but sure pace makes for better and healthier maintenance.

5. Is it possible to have effective workout without joining the gym?

The answer is no, it’s possible to shed some kilos notwithstanding an access to the gym. Several functional workouts which if accomplished include; walking running jumping, and body weight training for instance push-ups, burpees among others can be performed without using any equipment, indoors or outdoors.

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