15 Best Weight Loss Exercise At Home

Best Weight Loss Exercise At Home: Do you sometimes feel that there is no time for going to a Gym? Do you like exercising like lifting weights or doing other exercises at the comfort of your home? If it’s fat loss, muscle gain, getting lean or simply gaining muscle and strength, right exercises are the key to it all. It simply means that even in your case, you are still able to achieve great results regardless of this equipment that you need. What is more, it is enough to have desire, to be consistent and to have free time for movement.

Here, you’ll discover 15 effective and easy exercises for slimming at home together with slimming workouts for various muscle groups and cardio and strength training styles. These exercises need minimal equipment and that makes them to be ideal for people with tight agenda.

1. Jumping Jacks

Best Weight Loss Exercise At Home

15 Best Weight Loss Exercise For Men

Jumping jacks are another traditional activity that involves a complete body thus helping in increasing heart rates facilitating a cardio exercise for weight loss. This can be attributed to the fact that they are easy to execute, efficient and appropriate for people with or without exercise experience.

How to Do It:

  1. Draw your heels together and stand at attention; hold your arms at your side with your palms down.
  2. Bounce while widening your legs to the shoulders’ width apart as you also raise your arms up high.
  3. Return to the position as at the onset of the sample movement.
  4. Repeat from 30 up to 60 seconds.

    Timing and Frequency:

    • Do 3 reps of 0-30 seconds stop-start test are each followed by a 15 second rest.
    • It can be done anywhere and anytime and is especially useful to do in the middle of a busy day at work.

    2. High Knees

    Best Weight Loss Exercise At Home

    High knees are also another great cardio exercise that good for your tummy muscles as well as your legs and effective in shedding extra pounds.

    How to Do It:

    1. Start with your feet shoulder width apart if you are a man or more relaxed if you are a woman.
    2. Place your right foot flat on the floor, rotate your leg to the right and flex your right knee with your knee facing up towards the ceiling.
    3. Jerkly, transition to pulling your left knee close to your body.
    4. Carry on with the kicking movements hitting the opponents legs with the back of the knees at the fastest pace possible.

    Timing and Frequency:

    • Do 3 rounds with 45 second duration and 15-second rest time between two movements.
    • This exercise is perfect to include as a variation into any HIIT session.

    3. Burpees

    Best Weight Loss Exercise At Home

    15 Best Weight Loss Exercise Routine

    Burpees are a full body exercises which help burn fat faster than any other exercise when trying to lose weight. These are exercises that involve lifting of weights and some involving the heart rates hence burning calories.

    How to Do It:

    1. Begin through personally standing with the feet slightly apart from each other – shoulder width apart.
    2. Bend your knees and go down into the squat position and then put your hands on the ground.
    3. Lift your legs backwards, place your toes on the floor and come back into a plank pose.
    4. Perform a push-up (optional).
    5. Jump as far as you can back to the position when your hands are behind your back.
    6. Run and start jumping with both your legs pulling your arms above your head.

    Timing and Frequency:

    • Take 30 seconds break between sets and do three sets of 10-15 reps.
    • Especially for aerobic workouts such as HIIT sessions that is High Intensity Interval Training sessions.

    4. Mountain Climbers

    Best Weight Loss Exercise At Home

    It is a type of cardio exercise that also strengthens your tummy and lower body including the muscles used while climbing mountains.

    How to Do It:

    1. Beginners should start in the push-up position that is with your hands placed wide apart at shoulder width.
    2. Move your right knee inside your chest.
    3. Perform the move rapidly and move from one position to another whereby you shift and bring your left knee towards your chest.
    4. Go on in this manner as fast as possible beating to the start.

    Timing and Frequency:

    • Do 3 sets of 45 seconds followed by 15- second rest between the sets.
    • Ideal for putting in cardio session in your fitness regimen.

    5. Squat Jumps

    Best Weight Loss Exercise At Home

    15 Best Weight Loss Exercise Bike

    Plyometric exercise include squat jumps which helps strengthen your legs and glutes and at the same time increases your heart rate.

    How to Do It:

    1. Put your feet at a width of your shoulders.
    2. Lower your body into a squatning position.
    3. Yell and run and leap into the air with your arms stretched upwards.
    4. Land with a soft on your legs before regaining the squat position again.

    Timing and Frequency:

    • Do 3 round from 15 to 20 reps each and rest for 30 seconds between rounds.
    • Squat jumps are really helpful adding power and endurance to a person’s work out regimen.

    6. Plank to Push-Up

    Best Weight Loss Exercise At Home

    The plank to push-up exercise is excellent for strengthening your core, shoulders, and arms while also burning calories.

    How to Do It:

    1. Start in a plank position with your forearms on the ground.
    2. Push up onto your hands one arm at a time to reach a high plank position.
    3. Lower back down onto your forearms one arm at a time.
    4. Repeat while maintaining a strong core.

    Timing and Frequency:

    • Perform 3 sets of 10-12 reps with 30-second breaks between sets.
    • This move is a great addition to upper body-focused workouts.

    7. Side Plank with Leg Lifts

    Best Weight Loss Exercise At Home

    Grab a stability ball and lie on your right side facing the ball, rest your right arm on the floor and bend your left elbow so that your left hand is flat on the floor.
    Side plank with leg lifts is good for the obliques and the outer thighs, the glutes and the inner thighs.

    How to Do It:

    1. Begin the exercise in side plank position where your elbow and the ground are in line with your body and your elbow is placed on the ground such that it is directly below your shoulder.
    2. Make sure that your body remains still and draw your top leg towards your chest as far as you can.
    3. Now move your lower part of your leg back down without squashing your hips.
    4. Again with the other side.

    Timing and Frequency:

    • Do 3 sets of 10-12 for each limb with 30 second rest interval for each set.
    • The move is useful when it comes to strengthening the sides of your abdomen muscles also known as the oblique muscles.

    8. Bicycle Crunches

    Best Weight Loss Exercise At Home

    Bicycle crunches are one of the most effective workouts to work on the particular muscles of your core especially your oblique muscles.

    How to Do It:

    1. The first exercise is done by lying down flat on your back with your hands clinging on your head.
    2. Flex your legs, that is, attempt to bring your knees toward your chest.
    3. Bend your right knee as you pull your right elbow toward your left knee, whilst keeping your right leg straight.
    4. After the count of four, switch the sides and perform the same movement allowing the legs to move in pedaling motion.

    Timing and Frequency:

    • Intervals for exercise should be 30 seconds and the number of reps should be 20 sets, but three sets should be conducted.
    • Bicycle crunches must have as part of any program that is composed mostly of core exercises.

    9. Russian Twists

    Best Weight Loss Exercise At Home

    Russian twists are another fine movements that are used to work out the oblique muscles and the general core stability muscles of the body.

    How to Do It:

    1. On the floor, bend at the knee as much as possible and keep your feet off the ground.
    2. Relax, slightly leaning back and placing your hands in front of you, intertwining the fingers.
    3. Rotation – You twist your upper body to the right first and then to the left but your tummy muscles should not be relaxed.

    Timing and Frequency:

    • Do 3 series of 20 reps, 10 on each side with the sets done with 30 seconds rest in between.
    • This exercise can be aggravated by just holding a weight or perhaps a water bottle.

    10. Lunges

    Best Weight Loss Exercise At Home

    Lunges are directed more towards the legs and the glutes while at the same time putting so much stress on the balance and coordination.

    How to Do It:

    1. While standing keep your feet parallel to each other and place them at a shoulder width distance from each other.
    2. Take your right foot and move it forwards and at the same time bend down until your right thigh touches the surface of the floor.
    3. Lower back to the initial position.
    4. Do the same with your left leg.

    Timing and Frequency:

    • Do 3 sets of reps in the range of 15-20 for both legs with 30 second interval between the sets.
    • The exercise called lunges can also be intensified by performing the exercise with a jump.

    11. Glute Bridges

    Best Weight Loss Exercise At Home

    They are the best when it comes to offers the right workout for the glutes, the hamstrings, and the lower back muscles.

    How to Do It:

    1. Lay down on the back with the legs drawn up and feet touching the floor.
    2. Bend your knees towards your chest and engage your abdominal muscles while lifting your hips towards the ceiling point towards the count of five.
    3. Take your hands above your head and pause for a v breve then bring back down again.

    Timing and Frequency:

    • Complete three sets, where each set consists of 15 to 20 reps completed within thirty seconds’ interval between the sets.
    • Not only this, but it’s also very useful for strengthening the lower back muscles as well.

    12. Skipping (Jump Rope)

    Best Weight Loss Exercise At Home

    Jump rope is yet another cardio exercise that generates maximum result in minimum efforts towards weight loss. It also helps in burning many calories as well as in increasing steadiness.

    How to Do It:

    1. Grasp jump rope handles with your right hand at one end and with your left hand at the other.
    2. Hold the rope with your hands and swing the rope over your head then jump when the rope gets to the bottom part of your feet.
    3. See the time taken to complete the session below Repeat for the desired duration.

    Timing and Frequency:

    • Strength training is recommended to be done in a set of three with either one or two minutes each with half a minute of rest between sets.
    • Jumping rope is a great exercise that may be used as a warm-up exercise or as a complete cardiovascular exercise on its own.

    13. Shadow Boxing

    Best Weight Loss Exercise At Home

    Aerobic exercise can also be a fun exercise activity that makes the caloric expenditure fun even as it sharpens one’s agility and coordination as in the experience of shadow boxing.

    How to Do It:

    1. Assume an orthodox boxing position as the one foot is slightly ahead the other.
    2. Punch an invisible adversary with your fists while shifting your feet and your whole torso.
    3. Add hooks, jabs, and uppercuts, in case you wish to include all the parts of your body in the workout session.

    Timing and Frequency:

    • Gently do 3 repetitions of either 1 or 2 minutes with 30seconds interval.
    • Shadow boxing is a very good addition to any type of cardio exercise.

    14. Step-Ups

    Best Weight Loss Exercise At Home

    Step-ups work on your lower limbs and your butts; they can also be used for cardio sessions.

    How to Do It:

    1. Since Park says that it is ideal to work with your body weight and to stand, it is best to stand in front of a good chair or bench.
    2. Step with your right foot on the chair and bring your left knee up.
    3. Uncross your legs and, bending both your knees, revolve around your left foot once more.

    Timing and Frequency:

    • Do 15-20 squats on each leg with 3 sets and 30 second rests in between.
    • Step-ups can be done anywhere and are effective in making leg muscles stronger especially the quadriceps.

    15. Chair Dips

    Best Weight Loss Exercise At Home

    Chair dips can be said as one of the best exercises for toning the triceps and strengthening the upper body.

    How to Do It:

    1. Staying for a while on the exercise, sit on the edge of the chair, leaning with hands on an unyielding surface beside the hips.
    2. Try to come off the chair and move it down by using the bend of your elbows at the hips.
    3. Exhale, then press up to the starting position.

    Timing and Frequency:

    • The last exercise we are going to do is bench press 3 sets x 12-15 reps taking 30 seconds rest in between sets.
    • I like the chair dips and these are very effective in toning the back of the arms.

    The next question that comes to mind is how frequently should the exercises be done in order to yield outcomes?

    Ideally, the best thing to do is to engage in regular exercise which should be taken three to five times a week. It is also advisable to apply a combination of cardiovascular and strength workouts in order to come up with a good program.

    Is there any equipment that I will require in performing the following exercises?

    There are several of these exercises with which you do not require any equipment at all. However, gaining access to some other workout tools such as resistance bands, dumbles or .

    How often should you perform each of these workouts and for how long should the workout session last?

    The benefit in terms of the impact as well as the duration of each session range between 20-45 minutes due to the level of the fitness of the individuals. They are quite versatile and you can join several of the exercises together to work out on all the areas of your body.

    In case I’m a beginner concerning the workouts, can I change something?

    Absolutely! One can lower the rate or even the number of repetitions, the angle at which one is lifting the weight or simply the weight being used altogether. Programs should begin slowly, with an especial emphasis on form rather than technique before progressing on towards utilizing intensity.

    But, how frequent should one perform these exercises in a day so that the right results can be achieved?

    For the best effect, try to exercise at least thrice- five times a week and use the different exercises in a given week in a manner that is interchangeable.

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